The goal of mechanobiology is to understand how mechanical force and geometry interplay with biochemical activities in cellular functions. Form is linked to function and there is a dynamic feedback between mechanics and biochemistry that is critical for cellular functions from sub cellular activities to shaping whole organisms.
Topics in Mechanobiology
Cellular process often occur within distinct cellular regions or compartments. However, they do not occur independently as one process may regulate another, or provide the components or resources for mechanisms carried out in distant regions of the cell…
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Within nearly every cell exists a protein-based framework that provides structural support, provides tracks for the transport cargo, facilitates the generation of force and can be exploited for the transduction of mechanical signals. This network is highly dynamic, …
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Cells constantly communicate with each other. A molecular handshake between neighbouring cells, or the pull of a cell matrix adhesion, will initiate the transfer of information through a multitude of signaling pathways. Whether chemical, mechanical or electrical; long-distance or local, … Read more
Molecular factories exist throughout every cell, persistently and efficiently synthesizing molecular components, proteins and lipids to keep up with the demands of cellular life. From the genetic blueprint contained within DNA, through to a perfectly folded and … Read more
Cellular Organization |
Cytoskeleton Dynamics |
Mechanosignaling |
Synthesis |
Cutting Edge Methods and Technology

With countless intracellular feedback mechanisms regulating each various function of the cell, developing methods to study these functions often requires new technologies and unique procedures. This topic will explore several of the methods commonly used in the field of mechanobiology.
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Contractile Fiber Updated on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:01:26 GMTMicrofilament or microtubule assembly or disassembly against a force. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1981; 78(9). [PMID: 6946498]
Lamellipodium Assembly Updated on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:01:26 GMTPeskin CS., Odell GM., Oster GF. Cellular motions and thermal fluctuations: the Brownian ratchet. Biophys. J. 1993; 65(1). [PMID: 8369439]
Lamellipodium Assembly Updated on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:01:26 GMTLoisel TP., Boujemaa R., Pantaloni D., Carlier MF. Reconstitution of actin-based motility of Listeria and Shigella using pure proteins. Nature 1999; 401(6753). [PMID: 10524632]
Lamellipodium Assembly Updated on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:01:26 GMTBorisy GG., Svitkina TM. Actin machinery: pushing the envelope. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 2000; 12(1). [PMID: 10679366]
Podosome Assembly Updated on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:01:26 GMTThe polymerization motor. Traffic 2000; 1(1). [PMID: 11208055]