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List of videos

#Figure titleReferred pagesDescriptionContributor / Reference
1Arp2/3-mediated Actin Nucleation.The process by which the Arp2/3 complex mediates actin nucleation is shown here. This process is regulated by proteins such as WASp and Cdc42, which are depicted in this animation as stylized schematic models.Video produced by MBInfo
2Focal adhesions are essential for cell spreading.Upon neuregulin treatment, cell-surface receptors Erb B3/B4 induce lamellipodia formation, most probably through activation of the Rac-WAVE-Arp2/3 pathway. During lamellipodial protrusion, numerous focal adhesions form along the cell periphery and can be visualized as fluorescent spots (GFP-VASP).Source: Leticia Carramusa, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. Permission: Alexander Bershadsky, Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore.
3Growth of focal adhesions in response to internal force generation.Upon removal of a myosin inhibitor, the cells start to contract. Force generated by myosin contractility enables punctate nascent adhesions to grow in size, as shown by the accumulation of GFP-paxillin. Subsequently, they mature into focal adhesions.Video captured by Yuliya Zilberman at Marine Biological Laboratory, USA (Summer course, 2005). Permission: Alexander Bershadsky, Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore.
4Lateral waves of the lamellipodia.The extreme leading edge of mouse embryonic fibroblasts grown on fibronectin (viewed at 100X magnification).Michael Sheetz; Giannone, G. et al. Cell 2007, 128 :561.
5Migrating newt lung epithelial cells with fluorescent actin (yellow).Actin polymerization at the extreme leading edge of the lamellipodium and it’s subsequent retrograde movement towards the cell body.Video uploaded to YouTube by CrawlingC3LL and produced by James I Lim at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA.
6Retraction of the trailing edge of a motile cell. This video, on a repeated loop, shows the retraction of the rear of a motile cell.Video uploaded to YouTube by UNCLineberger.
7The “power stroke” mechanism for myosin movement along actin filaments.Video uploaded to YouTube by caveman29 and created by www.encognitive.com.
8Filopodia probes precede amoeboid motility.Real-time differential interference contrast video of mouse spinal commisural neuron axon extending on a glass/polystyrene substrate. Actin protein is localized using a fluorescent probe.Contributor: Simon Moore, Columbia Univ, New York.
9Retrograde flow of actin filaments
10How muscle contraction is signalled.Video was uploaded to YouTube by DaggerBiology and taken from Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5th Edition, Alberts, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, & Walter, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4110-9
11Actin filament assembly.
12Organelle movement on microtubules.This video was uploaded to YouTube by garlandscienceand is taken fromEssential Cell Biology, 3rd Edition, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, & Walter, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4129-1
13Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.Video was uploaded to YouTube by avice01 and created by Sara Egner using electron micrography from P M Motta, P M Andrews, K R Porter and J Vial.