1 | Arp2/3-mediated Actin Nucleation. | | The process by which the Arp2/3 complex mediates actin nucleation is shown here. This process is regulated by proteins such as WASp and Cdc42, which are depicted in this animation as stylized schematic models. | Video produced by MBInfo |
2 | Focal adhesions are essential for cell spreading. | | Upon neuregulin treatment, cell-surface receptors Erb B3/B4 induce
lamellipodia formation, most probably through activation of the
Rac-WAVE-Arp2/3 pathway. During lamellipodial protrusion, numerous focal
adhesions form along the cell periphery and can be visualized as
fluorescent spots (GFP-VASP). | Source: Leticia Carramusa, Weizmann
Institute of Science, Israel. Permission: Alexander Bershadsky,
Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore. |
3 | Growth of focal adhesions in response to internal force generation. | | Upon
removal of a myosin inhibitor, the cells start to contract. Force
generated by myosin contractility enables punctate nascent adhesions to
grow in size, as shown by the accumulation of
GFP-paxillin. Subsequently, they mature into focal adhesions. | Video captured by Yuliya Zilberman at Marine Biological
Laboratory, USA (Summer course, 2005). Permission: Alexander Bershadsky,
Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore. |
4 | Lateral waves of the lamellipodia. | | The extreme leading edge of mouse embryonic fibroblasts grown on fibronectin (viewed at 100X magnification). | Michael Sheetz; Giannone, G. et al. Cell 2007, 128 :561. |
5 | Migrating newt lung epithelial cells with fluorescent actin (yellow). | | Actin polymerization at the extreme leading
edge of the lamellipodium and it’s subsequent retrograde movement towards the cell
body. | Video uploaded to YouTube by CrawlingC3LL and produced by James I Lim at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA. |
6 | Retraction of the trailing edge of a motile cell | | . This video, on a repeated loop, shows the retraction of the rear of a motile cell. | Video uploaded to YouTube by UNCLineberger. |
7 | The “power stroke” mechanism for myosin movement along actin filaments. | | | Video uploaded to YouTube by caveman29 and created by www.encognitive.com. |
8 | Filopodia probes precede amoeboid motility. | | Real-time
differential interference contrast video of mouse spinal commisural
neuron axon extending on a glass/polystyrene substrate. Actin protein is
localized using a fluorescent probe. | Contributor: Simon Moore, Columbia
Univ, New York. |
9 | Retrograde flow of actin filaments | | | |
10 | How muscle contraction is signalled. | | | Video was uploaded to YouTube by DaggerBiology and taken from Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5th Edition, Alberts, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, & Walter, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4110-9 |
11 | Actin filament assembly. | | | |
12 | Organelle movement on microtubules. | | This video was uploaded to YouTube by garlandscienceand is taken from | Essential Cell Biology, 3rd Edition, Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, & Walter, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4129-1 |
13 | Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction. | | | Video was uploaded to YouTube by avice01 and created by Sara Egner using electron micrography from P M Motta, P M Andrews, K R Porter and J Vial. |