Contribute | Essential Info: What are the Cellular Responses to Mechanotransduction?3.1 IntroductionMechanotransduction is an iterative process, involving multiple rounds of mechano-sensing, -transduction, and -response. It is a means by which force-induced conformational and/or biochemical changes result in the activation and amplification of intracellular signaling cascades. These cascades lead to a cellular response i.e. mechanoresponse, which feeds back into the loop of mechanotransduction. Consequently, a highly dynamic steady state can be reached through repeated cycles of force-sensing and concomitant cellular remodeling (reviewed in [1]). The cellular mechanoresponse often takes the form of a change in morphology and/or motility, which is facilitated by the generation of force by the cell itself.Cell shape remodeling and cell locomotion specifically require the cell to produce two types of force; a protruding force to extend the leading edge forward and traction forces to move the cell body [1] (reviewed in [2, 3]). Although this seems relatively simple, a number of factors contribute to generating the forces needed for modifying cell shape and for cell motility, including:
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