Components of Focal adhesion complex


Common Components of Focal Adhesions

For information on interactions between components, visit Adhesome FA Network [1] .

Table: Components of focal adhesion complex and their proposed function.



Receptor/matrix binding


Transmembrane receptors that bind to ECM through their extracellular domains and to cellular adaptor proteins through their cytoplasmic domain. Mediate formation and maturation of focal adhesions by sensing the environment.

[2, 3, 4]


Cell surface heparin-sulfate proteoglycan that acts as a co-receptor and mediates signals along with integrins for focal adhesion assembly



Transmembrane hyaluronic acid receptor localized at the peripheral ruffles of migrating cells. Binds to the FERM domain of talin and docks it to membrane. Mediates formation of transient adhesions, but not present in stable adhesions.

[6, 7]

uPAR (Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor)

GPI-linked receptor that forms complexes with Integrins and regulates its ligand specificity and adhesion formation.

[8, 9, 10, 11]


Extracellular ligand that bind to cell surface receptors and initiate formation of nascent focal adhesions


Glycoprotein found in plasma and ECM. Binds to cell surface receptors such as uPAR and integrins to mediate cell adhesions.



Extracellular matrix protein that binds to receptors of integrin, receptor tyrosine kinase and Ig-like superfamilies and thereby mediate cell adhesion.



Membrane protein that forms complexes with integrin and uPAR and regulates ligand-induced signaling by binding signaling molecules such as Src kinase.



Cell adhesion molecule that indirectly interacts with vinculin through vinexin and modulates focal adhesions maturation and turnover rates.


Linkage to actin cytoskeleton and force transduction


Binds to cytoplasmic tails of integrins and activates them and links the integrins to actin cytoskeleton through its actin-binding domains



Adaptor protein that links integrins to F-actin; act synergistically with talin to activate integrins



Adaptor protein that links talin to F-actin, regulates paxillin recruitment

[16, 17]


Actin crosslinking protein that links integrin signaling to the actin cytoskeleton; critical for adhesion elongation and reinforcement

[18, 19]


Actin crosslinking protein that links integrin signaling to the actin cytoskeleton

[20, 21]


Scaffolding protein that gets recruited to early adhesions and can bind signaling molecules (e.g. kinases, phosphatases, Rho family of GTPases), adhesion molecules (e.g. α-integrin) and actin-binding proteins (e.g. vinculin and parvin). It gets phosphorylated by Src-FAK; its Ser phosphorylation regulates adhesion turnover.

[22, 23, 24]


Signaling and scaffold protein that leads to Rho GTPase activation; gets phosphorylated by Src-FAK

[25, 26]


Adaptor protein with SH2 domain; gets recruited after tyrosine phosphorylation of p130CAS

[27, 28]


Adaptor protein that links the integrin signaling to the actin cytoskeleton at later stages of focal adhesions and fibrillar adhesions

[29, 30]


Adaptor/scaffolding protein that links integrin signaling to the actin cytoskeleton at later stages of focal adhesions

[31, 32]

Parvin/ actopaxin

Forms complexes with PINCH and ILK at integrin adhesion sites and controls Rac activity and eventually actin polymerization. Parvin B promotes Rac activity, whereas Parvin A inhibits Rac activity.



Forms complexes with ILK and parvin at integrin attachment sites and transduces integrin-mediated signaling.


Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2)

Lipid molecule that binds and activates cytoskeletal structural proteins (e.g. talin and vinculin). Hence it regulates their localization to focal adhesion, actin polymerization and adhesion disassembly.



Adaptor protein that binds to vinculin and mediates cell adhesion by regulating signal transduction and cytoskeletal organization



Adaptor protein that binds to vinculin and mediates cell adhesion by regulating signal transduction and cytoskeletal organization



Regulates cytoskeletal reorganization by directly binding to F-actin and crosslinking them as well as by serving as a molecular scaffold for other structural and signaling proteins within the cell adhesions.



Adaptor molecule linking signals initiated upon receptor-matrix binding to downstream signaling pathways.


Intracellular signal transduction

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK)

Non-receptor tyrosine kinase that acts as a signaling component in focal adhesions and controls their turnover in complex with Src.



Signaling component (tyrosine kinase) that modifies FAK, paxillin and p130Cas; belongs to Src family of kinases (SFKs)



Signaling component that strengthens adhesions; belongs to Src family of kinases (SFKs)


Receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase (RPTPα)

Signaling component that activates Fyn

[42, 43]

Integrin linker kinase (ILK)

Signaling component (serine/threonine kinase) and scaffolding protein that interacts with parvin, kindlin, integrins

[34, 44]

Protein Kinase C (PKC)

Recruited to focal adhesions through a direct interaction with Syndecan-4, where they may function in phosphorylating other cytoskeletal or signaling proteins.


Phosphotidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)

Signaling component (lipid kinase) that influences Rho GTPases and other signaling components

[46, 47]

Myosin light chain kinase (MLCK)

Serine/threonine kinase that phosphorylates the regulatory myosin light chains of myosin II, in order to facilitate myosin binding to actin. It therefore aids contractility and focal adhesion disassembly.


Rho kinase (ROCK)

Effector of RhoA that gets activated by binding to RhoA. It mediates myosin-based contractions and hence formation of stress fibres, trailing edge retraction and maturation of focal adhesions.

[49, 50]

Abl and related (Arg) kinases

Nonreceptor tyrosine kinase localized at focal adhesions that regulates actin cytoskeleton by directly binding to F-actin. They decrease cell migration by preventing formation of Crk-CAS complexes and inhibiting myosin contractility.

[51, 52]


Transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase that regulates focal adhesion disassembly



Tyrosine phosphorylated transmembrane protein that recruits SHP-2 (phosphatase) upon integrin-mediated cell adhesion and thereby facilitates cytoskeletal reorganization and cell migration through the phosphatase.



Adaptor protein that binds to integrin and regulates integrin function and signaling.



Regulates integrin-mediated cell adhesion and spreading by binding to integrins and various signaling molecules simultaneously.

[56, 57]

p21-activated kinase (PAK)

Signaling component that is induced by Rac and CDC42 and localizes to foal adhesions functioning in focal adhesion disassembly.



Tyrosine phosphatase that mediates cytoskeletal reorganization and cell migration by binding to SHPS-1.



Inositol phosphatase that binds to the adaptor protein p130cas and promotes cell adhesion and spreading.



Ras-related small GTPase that gets activated by integrin signaling at the leading edge of migrating cells; aids nascent adhesion formation and protrusion of lamellipodia.

[60, 61]


Ras-related small GTPase that gets activated by integrin signaling at late stages of cell spreading and promotes actomyosin contractility. This aids adhesion growth/maturation and retraction of the trailing edge.

[61, 62]


Guanine nucleotide exchange factor ( GEF) that activates Rac1 by binding to ELMO.


Paxillin kinase linker

Phosphorylated by FAK and Src upon cell adhesion and localized to focal adhesions by binding to paxillin, this GAP regulates directional cell spreading by modulating Rac and Cdc42 activities.


DOCK-180 (180KDa protein downstream of CRK) Guanine exchange factor for Rac and regulates cell migration by binding to focal adhesion proteins such as Crk, ELMO and ANKRD28.
[40, 65]

Ankyrin repeat domain 28 (ANKRD28)

Binds to DOCK-180


PIX proteins (PAK interacting exchange factors)

Guanine nucleotide exchange factor that regulates focal adhesion assembly as well as disassembly by involving in processes such as cytoskeletal rearrangements and focal adhesion components turnover.

[67, 68]

GIT (G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) kinase-interacting protein)

A ADP-ribosylation factor GAP that binds to paxillin, PIX and FAK; activates Rac1/Cdc42.



RhoGEF required for localized Rho activation to promote myosin contractility and aid adhesion maturation



RhoGEF that gets recruited at adhesion site in a tension- dependent manner, activated by Fyn, a Src-family kinase. It activates Rho to aid adhesion maturation.



RhoGEF that gets recruited at adhesion site in a tension- dependent manner, activates Rho to aid adhesion maturation; Enhanced by FAK-Ras-ERK signaling.



RhoGEF required for localized Rho activation to promote trailing edge retraction via ROCK pathway.



GEF for Rac1 at the leading edge; aids nascent adhesion formation


GRAF (GTPase regulator associated with focal adhesions)

Regulates integrin-mediated signaling by binding to FAK and promoting the GTPase activity of RhoA and CDC42.


ASAP1 (ARF GTPase-activating protein 1)

ADP-ribosylation- factor [ARF] GAP that binds to FAK, gets phosphorylated by Src and influences paxillin binding, hence focal adhesion assembly.



RhoGAP that converts Rac1 to inactive state in a tension-dependent manner; suppresses protrusion and aid focal adhesion maturation.

[74, 75]


Gets phosphorylated by FAK, localizes to membrane via syndecan signaling; prevents RhoA activation during membrane protrusion.

[76, 77]


Adapter that binds to FAK and aids phosphorylation of p190RhoGAP; thus prevents RhoA activation during membrane protrusion.



RhoGAP that converts Rac1 and cdc42 to inactive state; suppresses protrusion and aid focal adhesion maturation.


Calpain II

Calcium-dependent cysteine protease that can cleave focal adhesion proteins such as talin, FAK and paxillin, thus regulating adhesion turnover and thereby cell migration.



PDZ domain-containing scaffolding protein that binds to syndecans, PIP2, FAK and Src. It activates Src and its downstream signaling thus promoting cell motility.

[80, 81]


Adaptor protein at the focal adhesion sites that binds to the cytoplasmic region of syndecans and promotes cell spreading and actin reorganization.



Functions in insulin-stimulated dephosphorylation of FAK and paxillin, thereby regulating cytoskeletal reorganization and cell migration.


Actin polymerization and regulation


Regulates actin filament assembly by recruiting profilin bound to actin monomers. Also binds to vinculin and zyxin and thus links the actin cytoskeleton to the focal adhesion components.


ERM proteins

Regulates actin filament assembly ny directly binding to N-WASP. Act as membrane-cytoskeleton linker and thus regulates the organization and maintenance of specialized membrane domains.

[85, 86]


F-actin binding protein and also has actin-crosslinking functions.


Cysteine-rich protein (CRP)

LIM domain-containing proteins that directly binds to actin and bundles the filaments and also stabilizes alpha-actinin interactions with F-actin.
