

    Paxillin is a multidomain scaffolding protein that is a key platform for bringing together signaling molecules, structural components, and regulatory proteins that control the adhesion and organization of the internal cytoskeleton for processes such as cell migration (reviewed in [1]).
    Figure 1. Paxillin: This schematic diagram illustrates the molecular organization of paxillin and provides examples for how paxillin is represented in figures throughout this resource. Relevant domains believed to be important for protein-protein interactions are highlighted (reviewed in [2]). These interactions include FAK, vinculin [3, 4], Src [5], parvin [6],tubulin [7], α-integrin [8, 9, 10], and focal adhesion targeting [11].
    Paxillin contains five amino-terminal leucine-aspartic acid (LD1-5) motifs and four carboxy-terminal LIM (Lin11, Isl-1, Mec-3) domains; the LD and LIM domains mediate protein-protein interactions with a number of structural and regulatory proteins (see figure at right).

    Paxillin contains a number of likely phosphorylation sites for serine/threonine kinases (e.g. protein kinase C) and tyrosine kinases [12] and is phosphorylated in response to various growth factors and adhesion stimuli both in vitro [13, 14] and in vivo [15](reviewed in [1]). Phosphorylation of the LIM domains has been suggested to influence cellular adhesion to fibronectin as well as paxillin localization to focal adhesions [16].

    Localization and function

    Figure 2. Paxillin Localization: A  HFF (human foreskin fibroblast) cell plated on a fibronectin coated glass coverslip, transfected with GFP-LifeAct (green), which labels F-actin in living cells, and mCherry-paxillin (red). It was imaged on Olympus IX81 Inverted microscope using a Perkin Elmer spinning disk at 100x magnification. Image courtesy: Yee Han Tee, Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore.
    Paxillin binds directly to α-integrins via its amino terminus [17, 18, 19] and it localizes specifically to sites of cell-matrix adhesion (as opposed to cell-cell contacts) (see microphotograph below) [12]. Paxillin also co-localizes with talin and vinculin at the ends of stress fibers [12]. Mechanical tension and force from actin/myosin based contractions along the cytoskeleton network are necessary not only for paxillin recruitment at the adhesion sites during their maturation [20] as well as to stabilize and maintain its localization [21, 22]. These findings, together with evidence suggesting the involvement of paxillin in the detection of shear stress [23], makes paxillin a likely candidate for a mechanosensor.

    In migrating cells, paxillin appears to remodel from older to newer adhesions at the leading edge to become one of the first proteins found at cell-matrix adhesion sites [24]. Paxillin largely contributes to cytoskeleton dynamics by regulating the activity of the Rho family of GTPases and by coordinating their association with specific ligands and downstream effector systems [1]; for example, paxillin-integrin binding is sufficient for regulating signal transduction through Rac1 GTPase [19]. It has also been recently shown to coordinate membrane trafficking and hence directional migration based on physical cues [25].


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    Updated on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 02:15:55 GMT